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Brand: G&G ARMAMENT Model: G-10-033
Reinforced piston with the last four teeth made of metal...
Brand: PROMETHEUS Model: 4571443171580
Prometheus High Cycle Hard PistonThe Prometheus High Cycle Hard Piston is optimized for high rates of fire and improved response while upping the metal teeth from one to seven metal teeth. The front seven teeth and sector gear are subjected to the greatest load and stress, in addition to a..
Brand: PROMETHEUS Model: 4582109580233
Prometheus Hard Piston ●Friction, wear, impact, and heat resistant ●Can be used with high stress or high cycle custom builds The piston is essential to your overall compression unit and is the point of contact between your gears and the compression parts. Our hard piston is strenthened and li..
Brand: ULTIMATE Model: 17167
Helical red polycarbonate piston with fifteen teeth. The first five teeth are of plastic, the remaining ten are metallic. We recommend using this piston with model Helical gears for upgrades of up to 190 m / s...
Brand: ULTIMATE Model: 17166
Red polycarbonate piston with 15 teeth. The first five teeth are plastic, the remaining ten are metallic. We recommend using this piston for upgrades to 170 m / s..
Showing 1 to 12 of 26 (3 Pages)